// ==UserScript== // @name [HFR] Image Anti HS // @version 0.2.2 // @namespace http://mycrub.info // @description Ajoute une icône anti-hs en haut d'une page d'un topic pour filtrer les messages sans intérêt // @include http://forum.hardware.fr/forum2.php* // @include http://forum.hardware.fr/*/*/*/*-sujet_*_*.htm* // ==/UserScript== var hsImg = "data:image/gif,GIF89a%10%00%10%00%A1%02%00%00%00%00%FF%00%00%FF%FF%FF%FF%FF%FF!%FE%11Created%20with%20GIMP%00!%F9%04%01%0A%00%03%00%2C%00%00%00%00%10%00%10%00%00%02%3B%9C%17%A9y%B7%AF%9A%12%B4F%93%AA%B6%01%25%00%08%20%05%02%8F%18%8Ee%B8%A0%EEH%B5k%0A%CB%2B9%DA..%E8j%D9%5B%FCP%2CFf%A3a%60%8EI%E5%12%B2h%3C%1F%8D%02%00%3B"; var noHsImg = "data:image/gif,GIF89a%10%00%10%00%A1%02%00%00%00%00%80%80%80%FF%FF%FF%FF%FF%FF!%FE%11Created%20with%20GIMP%00!%F9%04%01%0A%00%03%00%2C%00%00%00%00%10%00%10%00%00%02%3D%9C%17%A9y%B7%AF%9A%12%B4F%93%AA%16%0B%25%00%08%20%F5%3Db8~%E1r%9E%9F5%81%A0%1Ar%F1%1CP%B2%9D%E1u%CB%02%A8N)Hk%17%99l%60%18%A5%E6%D2%84t%1A%1EH%A3%00%00%3B"; var minLength = null; var blWords = null; var topicId = null; var doubleClickInterval = 250; var lastClickTime = 0; var clickedImage; /** * Parses processes the whole page */ var processPage = function () { var startTime = new Date().valueOf(); var cmpt = 0; var root = document.getElementById('mesdiscussions'); var messages = getElementByXpath('//table[@class="messagetable"]', root); if (isInFilter()) { injectRemoveFilterButton(); for(var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { if (complies(messages[i])) { messages[i].setAttribute("style", null); } else { cmpt++; messages[i].setAttribute("style", "display:none"); } } GM_log(cmpt + " messages filtered in " + (new Date().valueOf() - startTime) + " ms"); } else { injectAddFilterButton(); for(var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { messages[i].setAttribute("style", null); } } } /** * Tests if one message complies with the filtering rules of the topic */ var complies = function (message) { return (!filterOnImages() || (filterOnImages() && hasImage(message))) && (!filterOnQuotes() || (filterOnQuotes() && hasQuote(message))) && (!filterOnXQuotes() || (filterOnXQuotes() && hasXQuote(message))) && (!filterOnLength() || (filterOnLength() && hasLength(message))) && (!filterOnWords() || (filterOnWords() && !hasWord(message))) && (!filterOnLinks() || (filterOnLinks() && hasLink(message))) ; } /** * Is this topic configured for filtering on images? */ var filterOnImages = function () { return GM_getValue("ah_images." + getTopicId(), false); } /** * Is this topic configured for filtering on quotes? */ var filterOnQuotes = function () { return GM_getValue("ah_quotes." + getTopicId(), false); } /** * Is this topic configured for filtering on extra-topic quotes? */ var filterOnXQuotes = function () { return GM_getValue("ah_quotes_extra." + getTopicId(), false); } /** * Is this topic configured for filtering on message length? */ var filterOnLength = function () { return GM_getValue("ah_chars." + getTopicId(), false); } /** * Is this topic configured for filtering on blacklisted words? */ var filterOnWords = function () { return GM_getValue("ah_bl_words." + getTopicId(), false); } /** * Is this topic configured for filtering on links? */ var filterOnLinks = function () { return GM_getValue("ah_links." + getTopicId(), false); } /** * Does this message have an external image? */ var hasImage = function (message) { var images = getElementByXpath(".//div[starts-with(@id,'para')]//img[not(starts-with(@src, 'http://forum-images.hardware.fr'))]", message); var quotedImages = getElementByXpath(".//div[starts-with(@id,'para')]//table[@class='citation' or @class='oldcitation' or @class='quote']//img[not(starts-with(@src, 'http://forum-images.hardware.fr'))]", message); return images.length - quotedImages.length > 0; } /** * Does this message have an external link? */ var hasLink = function (message) { var links = getElementByXpath(".//div[starts-with(@id,'para')]//p//a[not(starts-with(@href, 'http://forum.hardware.fr'))]", message); var quotedLinks = getElementByXpath(".//div[starts-with(@id,'para')]//table[@class='citation' or @class='oldcitation' or @class='quote']//p//a[not(starts-with(@href, 'http://forum.hardware.fr'))]", message); return links.length - quotedLinks.length > 0; } /** * Does this message contain at least 1 quote? */ var hasQuote = function (message) { var quotes = getElementByXpath(".//div[starts-with(@id,'para')]//table[@class='citation' or @class='oldcitation' or @class='quote']", message); return quotes.length > 0; } /** * Does this message contain at least 1 extra-topic quote? */ var dbg = 0; var hasXQuote = function (message) { var quotes = getElementByXpath(".//div[starts-with(@id,'para')]//table[@class='citation' or @class='oldcitation' or @class='quote']//tr//td//b[@class='s1']//a", message); for (var i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++) { var href = quotes[i].href; var anchor = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf("#")+1); if (document.getElementsByName(anchor).length == 0) { return true } } return false; } /** * Returns the (unquoted) text of this message */ var getMessageText = function (message) { var pars = getElementByXpath(".//div[starts-with(@id,'para')]/p", message); var text = ""; for (var i = 0 ; i < pars.length ; i++) text += pars[i].textContent + " "; return text; } /** * Is this message long enough? */ var hasLength = function (message) { return getMessageText(message).length >= getMinLength(); } /** * Does this message have 1 blacklisted word? */ var hasWord = function (message) { var blWords = getBlWords(); var text = getMessageText(message); for (var i = 0; i < blWords.length; i++) { if (blWords[i] != null && blWords[i].length > 0) { if (text.indexOf(blWords[i]) >= 0) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Utility function to retrieve DOM element by XPath */ var getElementByXpath = function (path, element) { var arr = Array(), xpr = document.evaluate(path, element, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); for (;item = xpr.iterateNext();) arr.push(item); return arr; } /** * Gets the list of filtered topics from persistence */ var getFilteredTopicIds = function () { return GM_getValue("ah_topic_ids", "").split(";"); } /** * Sets the list of filtered topics to persistence */ var setFilteredTopicIds = function (allIds) { GM_setValue("ah_topic_ids", allIds.join(";")); } /** * Returns the topic id as "cat.post" where cat is the category id and post the post id */ var getTopicId = function () { if (topicId == null) { var postId; var catId; var m = new RegExp(".*forum2\\.php\\?.*\\&cat=(\\d*)\\&.*\\&post=(\\d*)\\&.*").exec(document.location.href); if (m != null) { catId = m[1]; postId = m[2]; } else { var searchForm = getElementByXpath('//table[@class="main"]//tr//th//form[@action="/transsearch.php"]', document.body)[0]; postId = getElementByXpath('input[@name="post"]', searchForm)[0].value; catId = getElementByXpath('input[@name="cat"]', searchForm)[0].value; } topicId = catId + "." + postId; } return topicId; } /** * Returns the minimum length of the accepted messages */ var getMinLength = function () { if (minLength == null) { minLength = GM_getValue("ah_chars_length." + getTopicId(), 500); } return minLength; } /** * Returns the list of blacklisted words */ var getBlWords = function () { if (blWords == null) { blWords = GM_getValue("ah_bl_words", "").split("\n"); } return blWords; } /** * Registers this topic in the list of topics that must be filtered */ var addTopicToFilter = function () { if (!isInFilter()) { var id = getTopicId(); var allIds = getFilteredTopicIds(); allIds.push(id); setFilteredTopicIds(allIds); } } /** * Unregisters this topic */ var removeTopicFromFilter = function () { if (isInFilter()) { var allIds = getFilteredTopicIds(); var newIds = new Array(); var id = getTopicId(); for (var i = 0; i < allIds.length; i++) { if(allIds[i] != id) { newIds.push(allIds[i]); } } setFilteredTopicIds(newIds); } } /** * Returns true if the topic has to be filtered */ var isInFilter = function () { return getFilteredTopicIds().indexOf(getTopicId()) != -1; } /** * Returns the topic "toolbar" DOM element */ var getTopicToolbar = function() { return getElementByXpath('//table[@class="main"]//tr//th//div[@class="right"]', document.body)[0]; } /** * Adds a button to the topic "toolbar" that enables the filter in this topic */ var injectAddFilterButton = function () { var newImg = document.createElement('img'); newImg.src = hsImg; newImg.alt = newImg.title = 'Filtrer ce topic (masquer les posts sans images). Double-clic pour configurer.'; newImg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; newImg.style.marginRight = '3px'; newImg.addEventListener('click', function(event) { var clickTime = new Date().getTime(); if (clickTime - lastClickTime > doubleClickInterval) { lastClickTime = clickTime; clickedImage = event.target; setTimeout( function() { if (lastClickTime == clickTime) { addTopicToFilter(); clickedImage.setAttribute("style", "display:none"); if (filterOnImages() || filterOnQuotes() || filterOnXQuotes() || filterOnLength() || filterOnWords() || filterOnLinks()) { processPage(); } else { showConfigDialog(); } } }, doubleClickInterval); } else { lastClickTime = clickTime; showConfigDialog(); } }, false); var newDiv = document.createElement('div'); newDiv.className = 'right'; newDiv.appendChild(newImg); getTopicToolbar().insertBefore(newDiv, toolbar.lastChild); } /** * Adds a button to the topic "toolbar" that disables the filter in this topic */ var injectRemoveFilterButton = function () { var newDiv = document.createElement('div'); var newImg = document.createElement('img'); newImg.src = noHsImg; newImg.alt = newImg.title = 'Ne plus filtrer ce topic (afficher les posts sans images). Double-clic pour configurer.'; newImg.style.cursor = 'pointer'; newImg.style.marginRight = '3px'; newImg.addEventListener('click', function(event) { var clickTime = new Date().getTime(); if (clickTime - lastClickTime > doubleClickInterval) { lastClickTime = clickTime; clickedImage = event.target; setTimeout( function() { if (lastClickTime == clickTime) { removeTopicFromFilter(); clickedImage.setAttribute("style", "display:none"); processPage(); } }, doubleClickInterval); } else { lastClickTime = clickTime; showConfigDialog(); } }, false); newDiv.className = 'right'; newDiv.appendChild(newImg); getTopicToolbar().insertBefore(newDiv, toolbar.lastChild); } function showConfigDialog() { clickedImage.setAttribute("style", "display:none"); cmScript.showConfigWindow(); } /** * Config window */ var cmScript = { backgroundDiv : null, configDiv : null, timer : null, setDivsPosition : function () { cmScript.setBackgroundPosition(); cmScript.setConfigWindowPosition(); }, setBackgroundPosition : function () { cmScript.backgroundDiv.style.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth + 'px'; cmScript.backgroundDiv.style.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight + 'px'; cmScript.backgroundDiv.style.top = window.scrollY + 'px'; }, setConfigWindowPosition : function () { cmScript.configDiv.style.left = (document.documentElement.clientWidth / 2) - (parseInt(cmScript.configDiv.style.width) / 2) + window.scrollX + 'px'; cmScript.configDiv.style.top = (document.documentElement.clientHeight / 2) - (parseInt(cmScript.configDiv.clientHeight) / 2) + window.scrollY + 'px'; }, disableKeys : function (event) { var key = event.which; if (key == 27) { clearInterval(cmScript.timer); cmScript.hideConfigWindow(); } //else if (key == 13) cmScript.validateConfig(); else if (event.altKey || (event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'input' && key >= 33 && key <= 40)) event.preventDefault(); }, disableTabUp : function (elt) { elt.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { var key = event.which; if (key == 9 && event.shiftKey) event.preventDefault(); } , false); }, disableTabDown : function (elt) { elt.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { var key = event.which; if (key == 9 && !event.shiftKey) event.preventDefault(); } , false); }, disableScroll : function () { document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; window.addEventListener('keydown', cmScript.disableKeys, false); }, enableScroll : function () { document.body.style.overflow = 'visible'; window.removeEventListener('keydown', cmScript.disableKeys, false); }, alterWindow : function (opening) { if (opening) { // On fige la fenêtre cmScript.disableScroll(); // A chaque resize, repositionnement des divs window.addEventListener('resize', cmScript.setDivsPosition, false); // On cache les iframes de m%$!§ getElementByXpath('//iframe', document.body).forEach(function(iframe){ iframe.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }); } else { cmScript.enableScroll(); window.removeEventListener('resize', cmScript.setDivsPosition, false); getElementByXpath('//iframe', document.body).forEach(function(iframe){ iframe.style.visibility = 'visible'; }); } }, buildBackground : function () { if (!document.getElementById('ah_back')) { cmScript.backgroundDiv = document.createElement("div"); cmScript.backgroundDiv.id = 'ah_back'; cmScript.backgroundDiv.addEventListener('click', function() { clearInterval(cmScript.timer); cmScript.hideConfigWindow(); } , false); cssManager.addCssProperties("#ah_back { display: none; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; background-color: #242424; z-index: 1001;}"); document.body.appendChild(cmScript.backgroundDiv); } }, buildConfigWindow : function () { if (top.location != self.document.location) { return; } if (!document.getElementById('ah_front')) { cmScript.configDiv = document.createElement("div"); cmScript.configDiv.id = 'ah_front'; cmScript.configDiv.style.width = '400px'; cssManager.addCssProperties("#ah_front { display: none; vertical-align: bottom; position: absolute; background-color: #F7F7F7; z-index: 1003; border: 1px dotted #000; padding: 8px; text-align: left; font-family: Verdana;}"); cssManager.addCssProperties("#ah_front span { font-size: 0.8em;}"); cssManager.addCssProperties("#ah_front select { border: 1px solid black; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 0.75em;}"); cssManager.addCssProperties("#ah_front img { display: block; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}"); cssManager.addCssProperties("#ah_front div { position: absolute; bottom: 8px; right: 8px;}"); cssManager.addCssProperties("#ah_front input[type=image] { margin: 2px; }"); cssManager.addCssProperties("#ah_front label { font-size: 0.8em; }"); var topicId = getTopicId(); var label1 = document.createElement('span'); label1.innerHTML = "
Configuration du script Anti HS

Sur ce topic

Masquer les message :"; cmScript.configDiv.appendChild(label1); var imageContainer = document.createElement('p'); var imagesInput = document.createElement('input'); imagesInput.type = 'checkbox'; imagesInput.id = 'ah_images.' + topicId; imagesInput.checked = filterOnImages(); imageContainer.appendChild(imagesInput); var imageLabel = document.createElement('label'); imageLabel.htmlFor = 'ah_images.' + topicId; imageLabel.innerHTML = "qui ne contiennent pas d'image"; imageContainer.appendChild(imageLabel); cmScript.configDiv.appendChild(imageContainer); var quotesContainer = document.createElement('p'); var quotesInput = document.createElement('input'); quotesInput.type = 'checkbox'; quotesInput.id = 'ah_quotes.' + topicId; quotesInput.checked = filterOnQuotes(); quotesContainer.appendChild(quotesInput); var quotesLabel = document.createElement('label'); quotesLabel.htmlFor = 'ah_quotes.' + topicId; quotesLabel.innerHTML = "qui ne contiennent pas de quote"; quotesContainer.appendChild(quotesLabel); cmScript.configDiv.appendChild(quotesContainer); var quotesExtraContainer = document.createElement('p'); var quotesExtraInput = document.createElement('input'); quotesExtraInput.type = 'checkbox'; quotesExtraInput.id = 'ah_quotes_extra.' + topicId; quotesExtraInput.checked = filterOnXQuotes(); quotesExtraContainer.appendChild(quotesExtraInput); var quotesExtraLabel = document.createElement('label'); quotesExtraLabel.htmlFor = 'ah_quotes_extra.' + topicId; quotesExtraLabel.innerHTML = "qui ne contiennent pas de quote extra-page"; quotesExtraContainer.appendChild(quotesExtraLabel); cmScript.configDiv.appendChild(quotesExtraContainer); var charsContainer = document.createElement('p'); var charsInput = document.createElement('input'); charsInput.type = 'checkbox'; charsInput.id = 'ah_chars.' + topicId; charsInput.checked = filterOnLength() charsInput.addEventListener('focus', function(event) { document.getElementById('ah_chars_length.' + topicId).focus(); }, false); charsContainer.appendChild(charsInput); var charsLenInput = document.createElement('input'); charsLenInput.type = 'text'; charsLenInput.id = 'ah_chars_length.' + topicId; charsLenInput.value = getMinLength(); charsLenInput.size = 3; charsLenInput.maxLength = 5; charsLenInput.addEventListener('blur', function (event) { var val = parseInt(event.target.value); if ((typeof val !== typeof 1) || (null === val) || !isFinite(val)) { event.target.value = 0; } else { event.target.value = val; } }, false); var charsLabel = document.createElement('label'); charsLabel.htmlFor = 'ah_chars.' + topicId; charsLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode("de moins de ")); charsLabel.appendChild(charsLenInput); charsLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" caractères")); charsContainer.appendChild(charsLabel); cmScript.configDiv.appendChild(charsContainer); var linksContainer = document.createElement('p'); var linksInput = document.createElement('input'); linksInput.type = 'checkbox'; linksInput.id = 'ah_links.' + topicId; linksInput.checked = filterOnLinks(); linksContainer.appendChild(linksInput); var linksLabel = document.createElement('label'); linksLabel.htmlFor = 'ah_links.' + topicId; linksLabel.innerHTML = "qui ne contiennent pas de lien"; linksContainer.appendChild(linksLabel); cmScript.configDiv.appendChild(linksContainer); var wordsContainer = document.createElement('p'); var wordsInput = document.createElement('input'); wordsInput.type = 'checkbox'; wordsInput.id = 'ah_bl_words.' + topicId; wordsInput.checked = filterOnWords(); wordsContainer.appendChild(wordsInput); var wordsLabel = document.createElement('label'); wordsLabel.htmlFor = 'ah_bl_words.' + topicId; wordsLabel.innerHTML = "qui contiennent des mots-clés (voir dessous)"; wordsContainer.appendChild(wordsLabel); cmScript.configDiv.appendChild(wordsContainer); var label2 = document.createElement('span'); label2.innerHTML = "
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"; cmScript.configDiv.appendChild(label2); var blackListContainer = document.createElement('p'); var blackListLabel = document.createElement('span'); blackListLabel.innerHTML = "Liste des mots-clés : "; blackListContainer.appendChild(blackListLabel); var blackListWords = document.createElement('textarea'); blackListWords.id = 'ah_bl_words'; blackListWords.cols = '40'; blackListWords.rows = '3'; blackListWords.value = getBlWords().join("\n").replace(/^\s+/g,'').replace(/\s+$/g,''); blackListContainer.appendChild(blackListWords); cmScript.configDiv.appendChild(blackListContainer); var buttonsContainer = document.createElement('div'); var inputOk = document.createElement('input'); inputOk.type = 'image'; inputOk.src = "data:image/png,%89PNG%0D%0A%1A%0A%00%00%00%0DIHDR%00%00%00%10%00%00%00%10%08%06%00%00%00%1F%F3%FFa%00%00%00%04gAMA%00%00%AF%C87%05%8A%E9%00%00%00%19tEXtSoftware%00Adobe%20ImageReadyq%C9e%3C%00%00%02%9FIDAT8%CB%A5%93%EBKSa%1C%C7%FD%3Bv%CEvl%03%09dD!%82%84P%7B%15%24%12%3B%9A%0D%C5%BC%2CK%D3%DD%BD%D26c%D8L%8B2r%5E%C6H)-%B3%D4jsNm%EA%D4%E6%D6%942q%D9QB%CC%BD%E9B%B5at%B1o%E7%EC%C5L%12%23z%E0%0B%0F%0F%CF%E7%F3%7B%AEq%00%E2%FE'%7F%0C%14%F8%0E%89r%A7%0F%EA%B3%3D)L%C6%E3%FDa%E9%888%2Cu%252Rg%A2%3E%DD%BEW%B4%AB%20%CF%9BJ%CB%3C%C9!%9DG%86%9BA%0B%FA%96%BB%A2%E9%5ClF%89%EB%18%24%BDTH%D2C%D1%3B%0A%D8%AAt%E6xR%E4%EA%9C%11%CE%D5~%D8%5E%5E%83i%AE2%1A%AE%EFX%EDC%E3L%15%0E%D8%F8%91d%1B%9F%DE%26%C8%F1%A4%083%DDI%EB%1C%CCM%AC%09%94%A1%C2_%02%CD%CC%19%E8%D8%94%B3%A9%F6%9D%85%FD%F5%3D%5C%9C%AA%80%D8B%AE%8B%AF%93%C2%98%40%E6N2%A8%C6%B2%A2%959%98%03U%DESPL%17B1U%00%F5T!%DCk%830x%95p%B0%92%DC%9E%23H%B8B%1Ab%82%8C%111%D3%19l%865%D8%84%0A_1%94O%E4%2C%98%0F%E5%24%1BO%3E%C6%DF%B8%C0%B5Pd%0Dm%CF%1Ba%9BkD%7C%3D%C9%C4%04G%ED%09%1B%0FVn%A36%A0%81%D6%5B%C4%AEd%00%8B%1F%E6%A1%9A(%C4%D8%DAP%14%FE%B1%F9%1Dm%CF.%C10Q%8C%BE%60'%04Fb%23%26%90%DC%A76%FA%97%BBa%F4%ABP%EB%D7%E2%D3%D7%8FQ%E8%FD%97%B71%D82%5B%0F%B5%2B%1Bz%F7i%F4%07%3B%20%A8%F9%5D%D0C17%E6%9B%D0%BEp%19%BAI9%CC%BEjD%BE%7D%8E%C2%9B%3F7ayz%01e%CE%2ChXAK%A0%0E%ED%5E3%A8*bk%0B%A9%B7%04%06%F9%40%1A%EC%2BwQ%3D!%87%DA%7D%12u%D3%E5Xz%B7%80%B6%D9%06%94%0E%1E%87%C2q%02%3Ag%0E%EC%AF%BA%91n%3D%0C%AA%92%D8%3A%C4d%2B_%B8%8F%BD%1A%B3G%83%87%CC%1DT%8E%E6A%3B%9C%03%D5%90%0CJ%07%17%0E%CE%C6%A3%A5.%18%87%8A!P%F3%D6)5!%DC%F6%90%12%9BH%3A%BE%81%88%98%DCep%B0%92%D6%80%19%FA%D1%22%9C%1B%96%A3%95%DD%82%9D%85%F5%CE%22%F0Ky%11%16%A6w%7C%CA%7B%1AH%9A2%11!i%87%04%ED~3z_X%D1%3Bo%85%C5kBZK*%04%0A%5E%88R%11%F4%AE%9F%89%3AO%8A(%03%A1%A7j%08F%A0%E5%85%05*%5E%98%AD%C8%B0%D1S%A5%84%E8%AF%BF%F1_%F3%0Bg%D0%AC%E5y%BA%D4c%00%00%00%00IEND%AEB%60%82"; 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// On ajoute la css cssManager.insertStyle(); }, createConfigMenu : function () { GM_registerMenuCommand("[HFR] Auto Rehost -> Configuration", this.showConfigWindow); } }; var cssManager = { cssContent : '', addCssProperties : function (properties) { cssManager.cssContent += properties; }, insertStyle : function() { GM_addStyle(cssManager.cssContent); cssManager.cssContent = ''; } } cmScript.setUp(); // // Script execution // processPage(); // ============ Module d'auto update du script ============ ({ check4Update : function() { var autoUpdate = this; var mirrorUrl = GM_getValue('mirrorUrl', 'null'); if (mirrorUrl == 'null') autoUpdate.retrieveMirrorUrl(); var currentVersion = GM_getValue('currentVersion', '0.2.2'); // On met éventuellement la version stockée à jour avec la version courante, si la version courante est plus récente if (autoUpdate.isLater('0.2.2', currentVersion)) { GM_setValue('currentVersion', '0.2.2'); currentVersion = '0.2.2'; } // Par contre, si la version stockée est plus récente que la version courante -> création un menu d'update pour la dernière version else if (autoUpdate.isLater(currentVersion, '0.2.2')) { GM_registerMenuCommand("[HFR] Image Anti HS -> Installer la version " + currentVersion, function() { GM_openInTab(mirrorUrl + 'others/hfr_image_anti_hs.user.js'); } ); } // Si la version courante et la version stockée sont identiques, on ne fait rien if (GM_getValue('lastVersionCheck') == undefined || GM_getValue('lastVersionCheck') == '') GM_setValue('lastVersionCheck', new Date().getTime() + ''); // Pas eu de check depuis 24h, on vérifie... if ((new Date().getTime() - GM_getValue('lastVersionCheck')) > 86400000 && mirrorUrl != 'null') { var checkUrl = mirrorUrl + 'getLastVersion.php5?name=' + encodeURIComponent('[HFR] Image Anti HS'); if (isNaN(currentVersion.substring(currentVersion.length - 1))) checkUrl += '&sversion=' + currentVersion.substring(currentVersion.length - 1); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: checkUrl, onload: function(response) { var regExpVersion = new RegExp('^[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}[a-zA-Z]?$'); var lastVersion = response.responseText; // Pas d'erreur et nouvelle version plus récente if (lastVersion != '-1' && regExpVersion.test(lastVersion) && autoUpdate.isLater(lastVersion, currentVersion)) { if (confirm('Une nouvelle version de [HFR] Image Anti HS est disponible : ' + lastVersion + '\nVoulez-vous l\'installer ?')) { GM_openInTab(mirrorUrl + 'others/hfr_image_anti_hs.user.js'); } else { // Mémorisation de la version refusée : elle servira de version de référence GM_setValue('currentVersion', lastVersion); } } GM_setValue('lastVersionCheck', new Date().getTime() + ''); } }); } }, max : function(v1, v2) { var tabV1 = v1.split('.'); var tabV2 = v2.split('.'); if (isNaN(tabV1[2].substring(tabV1[2].length - 1))) tabV1[2] = tabV1[2].substring(0, tabV1[2].length - 1); if (isNaN(tabV2[2].substring(tabV2[2].length - 1))) tabV2[2] = tabV2[2].substring(0, tabV2[2].length - 1); if ((tabV1[0] > tabV2[0]) || (tabV1[0] == tabV2[0] && tabV1[1] > tabV2[1]) || (tabV1[0] == tabV2[0] && tabV1[1] == tabV2[1] && tabV1[2] > tabV2[2])) { return v1; } else { return v2; } }, isLater : function(v1, v2) { return v1 != v2 && this.max(v1, v2) == v1; }, retrieveMirrorUrl : function() { var mirrors = 'http://hfr.toyonos.info/gm/;http://hfr-mirror.toyonos.info/gm/'.split(';'); var checkMirror = function (i) { var mirror = mirrors[i]; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: mirror + 'getLastVersion.php5', method: "HEAD", onload: function(response) { // Dès qu'un miroir répond, on le mémorise. if (response.status == 200) { GM_setValue('mirrorUrl', mirror); } else { // Sinon on test le prochain if ((i + 1) < mirrors.length) { checkMirror(i + 1); } else { GM_setValue('mirrorUrl', 'null'); } } } }); }; checkMirror(0); }, }).check4Update();